Ivan-Tea with Black and Red Currant is a wonderful refreshing drink, very tasty and full of vitamins. The benefits of Ivan-Tea with currants are undeniable. Thanks to the abundance of various healthy substances contained in Ivan-tea and currants, you get an amazingly tasty and healthy drink.
Selected Natural Organic Russian Ivan-Tea made from the leaves of the plant in the first 2 weeks of flowering.
This natural blend has a rich composition, selected by professional herbalists, pleasant taste and wonderful aroma. Composition: fermented fireweed leaves, currant leaves, strawberry leaves, mint, rose hips, currant berries.
Currant is a tart taiga berry! On a hot July afternoon, her bright aroma hovers in clean pines and light transparent birch forests. For many, the most favorite tea is with a currant leaf, fragrant and very tasty! Ivan tea with currants has a bright, rich aroma loved from childhood!
The box contains 12 pyramids, 2 gram each in individual sachet-envelopes.